Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sing your heart out

Do you sing? Or play instruments? Music has always been a huge part of my life and still is today. I love playing and listening to music. There's just something about the rythm and the way it reaches your soul. This all multiplies when you go to a gig.....

Being surrounded by people who have the same heart attitude as you triggers something inside to dance, clap and sing, plus whetever else you do to make the most of it. Theres quite a difference in the gig's I went to. The bands were worshiping Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and asking us to join them!

Heres a message inspired by one of the bands:

Life is like a song. Who you chose to sing it to influences everything you do. 
Your song isnt finished .... you have the opportunity to sing the unimaginable, starting right now!
Dream big and go for it. Challenge yourself and take risks. Try something new, and give it your all.  
But, remember who you sing your song it for others, yourself, or for God? 

Out and About

My last few days in Glasgow were packed with sightseeing and exploring more of the city, but most importantly: meeting up with amazing friends! God puts so many people in our lives that support, challenge (in a good way), and encourage us. But, as life changes so do the people around us.  

This is a simple, yet profound message we can either chose to reject, ignore, or accept it and embrace the change.

It is best said like this.....

Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven: 
a time to be born and a time to die, 
a time to plant and a time to pull out what was planted, 
a time to kill and a time to heal, 
a time to tear down and a time to build up, 
a time to cry and a time to laugh, 
a time to mourn and a time to dance, 
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, 
a time to hug and a time to stop hugging, 
a time to start looking and a time to stop looking, 
a time to keep and a time to throw away, 
a time to tear apart and a time to sew together, 
a time to keep quiet and a time to speak out, 
a time to love and a time to hate, 
a time for war and a time for peace. 

I will never forget the people I met and the places I've been! Heres a glimpse of how I spent my time........

Glasgow Coat of Arms

Glasgow from the Clyde 

Museum of Modern Art 

Modern Art 

Central Station 



Botanic Gardens 

Fossil Grove, Victoria Park

Sunset at Mukdock Country Park 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

In the Great Outdoors, Free From Distractions

Whether rainy or sunny, a day can be brightened by stepping into the great outdoors. There's something about wind-blown fresh air, songbirds singing, and beams of heat from the sun that soothes the soul. Last weekend I did just that, enjoying all of creation without the distractions of busy schedules, technology, and to-do lists. 

The group of people I shared this time with are part of the Destiny Church network, mostly all students or young adults. Our activities spanned from life lessons and hill walking to worship and quiet times. We simply spent time together, enjoying all we have been blessed with and being challenged to dig deeper into God and life. 

Life is not meant to be easy. It never was and never will be. Our only hope to find joy during our time on earth is to seek lasting friendships with each other and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In this comes fulfillment and purpose, ultimately joy! 

I was blessed to spend time with some amazing people growing deeper in faith and understanding of what it means to live life as God intended for us, both individually and together as the body of Christ.