Saturday, November 5, 2016

Re-seeing the familiar

I always saw spring as beautiful. New growth, young being born, fresh scents in the air, and warmth from the sun. Now I am beginning to see fall just as beautiful. It always was a nice time of year, but now I appreciate a beautiful death. One that gives a new perspective and new life to all that surrounds.

Take these leaves, for example.

We see them underfoot as they fall from the trees.

Yet, do we admire the beauty in their death? And the new life it brings?

Little white specks

Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw snow, gently falling to the ground.

A few seconds later I see it again. This time is was clear that indeed there was snow falling!

It was a cloudy morning, Honey and I were dressed warmly for our walk. As we set off along the train we enjoyed the beautiful snow as it fell. It seemed to dance in the blowing wind then gently fall to the ground where it disappeared.

At the lookout we watched the clouds move across the sky. Black and low, yet the sun still poked through in places.

We stopped to enjoy this moment, as everything around us seemed to be absorbed by the first snowfall of the year.

What makes a place?

Every place is unique. But what defines a place?

Glasgow, UK

Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany

Natural History Museum, London, UK

Glasgow, UK 

Devon Island, Northwest Passage, Canada

Paris, France

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

We all have a part to play

As I admire the beauty of the natural areas I keep seeing the impact humans are having on the world. The smoke stack looms high above the tree line. The black smoke rolls out and appears as a cloud ready to rain, but the puffs keep moving. And you can sure smell it. Getting stronger when the wind blows from the west, carrying it all over the city.

The houses along the lake remind me that people live here, in this wilderness, too. I come to see the natural wildlife that we are increasingly a part of, yet have less concern for than ever in history.

The rocks are cut to make way for humans. But did anyone ever stop to think about the home it took away from the animals?

And the trash. Its everywhere. Along the paths, under a tree, behind a rock. Everywhere I go there is always something that does not belong.

Each time I notice the human impact on the world I am reminded that I am a part of this too. And I have a part to play, for better or for worse. I know what Im going to do, do you?

Friday, September 23, 2016


Submerged in nature. 

Surrounded by the glory of god. 

Suspended in time. 

Refreshing for my spirit 

Nourishment for my mind 

Strength for my body 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Music in the air

We started out on what we thought would be a nice short walk. It quickly turned into a trek that lasted over two hours. About half way we stopped to rest and appreciate what we could see and hear, admiring the landscape and all critters that were moving about. We were on Lake Laurentian with the sun setting, a perfect scene. A mosquito lands on me to find its meal and all else is silent.

As I look around I see the white flowers blow in the wind. Then, out of nowhere the geese take flight, squawking as they hurried over the marsh. Lucky for me, I had my camera out and capture the whole ordeal a it unraveled before my eyes.

With the lake in the distance, the clouds gently laying above us, and a forest surrounding us we found a quiet place. There was a smell, something beautiful but I coundn't trace it. We keep walking as we still had quite a ways to go. The the moon had risen and the wind made music with the leaves. This is a quiet place, a sacred space. One that will never be the same, yet will always be there.

Monday, September 5, 2016

An early rise gave way to see beauty unfold

The walk to the lake is peaceful and, at the same time, full of life. Spider webs with dew on the silk, hanging like an ornament. Leaves rustling and dancing in the wind. Birds chirping in the trees, calling out to one another. 

The lake is as peaceful as ever. Watching in silence as the sun disappears behind a bank of fog. Slowly, it closes in on the land , slipping further along until it covers the entire lake. 

Waiting patiently for it to move again.
Tranquility remains.
 That is until a powerboat speeds into the fog, slows, disappearing, until it is consumed. 

Even if just for a moment life would be still, to enjoy all that is around. To take in life, to be full of life. To see and breath peace until you overflow. 

In the silence and peace I hear “my portion is enough for you” echoed among the wind.   

Honey listens carefully too. 
Watching silently. 
For the bird. Or the squirrel. To give way of its whereabouts.
 Ears perked. Legs braced. She watches. Listens. And is surrounded by peace. 

“be still and know that I am God” 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

What lives on, 
and around you? 

This is what gives us our own unique identity, makes us who we are, and determines how we view the world around us.

Consider what you do and who you spend time with when you think of the person you want to be. 

Now consider who looks to spend time with you. Are you helping others or causing problems? 

Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. 
Philippians 4:8

Monday, February 8, 2016

Just around the riverbend....

A walk in one direction may lead you to another. 
You never know what is just around the riverbend....

                                                         one step after 
                                                                                  the other 

What will you find? 
You will never know unless you look and see with not just your eyes but with your heart. 
What you find may change your life. 

There is a beautiful world underneath the trash. 
If only we would stop and see it for what it is, lifting our gaze heavenwards. 

"What I love most about rivers is:
You can't step in the same river twice
The water's always changing, always flowing"