The designated site is a ploughed field just outside Dunning, in the east of Scotland. With the farmers permission a group of archaeologists (many in training) set out to look for anything that could help with obtaining a better understanding of the site. This field is identified by the presence of three scheduled monuments: a ring ditch, pit allignment, and barrow/enclosure.
Our days are spent searching the field, in an organized manner, to spot objects of interest. Can you spot it?
Once found the item is recorded with the location (GPS coordinates) and saved for further examination in the lab, if necissary. After fieldwalking, lab work and other analysis are carried out the report will be completed by the project leader for SERF, a Glasgow University archarology project (
At the end of day two our finds exceeded 40 and many of them were "keepers" to be studied further. Among the finds are pottery, flint, glass, quartz, and chert. These are exciting finds and we expect to find many others in the next two days!