Thursday, November 13, 2014

What's Next?.....I'm Glad You Asked!

It has been awhile since I have used this blog, so welcome back!

First I would like to thank everyone who has ever encouraged me, taught me, coached me, disciplined me, or guided me. I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am for you all being in my life, helping me to where I am today. Life is meant to be lived together and we are much stronger as a community than individuals, so thank you for being a part of mine!

This fall I finished my university degree at Dalhousie University after returning from Scotland in May and completing my final courses this past summer. I have officially achieved a Bachelor of Science, double major in Earth Science and Marine Biology (rocks and fish). My time at university was life changing and I have learned so much about the world around me and how to use and enjoy all God has created!

7 October 2014, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS

I am excited to tell you all that I have been accepted to work with Power to Change - Students on a one year internship! I was involved with P2C at Dalhousie and was challenged to deepen my faith. This changed my perspective on faith and allowed me to see the world in a new way: the world is full of people who need Jesus.

Starting in January I will be on university campuses joining a small team that will work with students to develop student led Christian ministries where there is a need for the life changing message of Jesus. Half of the year will be in Australia and the other in Canada, with potential to impact the lives of thousands of students from many different areas of study from all over the world.

But, this cannot be done unless I am able to find like-minded people who are eager to support me. For the next few months I will be working towards developing a sending team...people who are as excited about this as I am. I am asking people to join me in a variety of ways, ultimately to "journey with me" to Australia and back to Canada. Two main ways you can join me right now is with prayer and financial support, both are essential. If you, or someone you know, is interested please contact me (; 902-277-1566) and I would be glad to tell you more.

Ps. I will make sure to use this blog as often as I can with updates!